Bon techniquement il faut que je me fasse à notre nouvelle config d'édition. (texte en construction.)
Déjà j'ai compris que l'on peut agrandire, en bas à droite, le cadre de l'éditeur de texte, c'est très utile. Bon voilà la copie de quelques passages de la deuxième partie du film de Hunt traduit par Agent__001*. J'ai mis des indications de temps, c'est plus pratique pour vérifier si il y a des erreurs.
A la fin j'ai mis l'article en spolier de Mark Schult en anglais (pour sauvegarde) et les sources de cet article à la suite.
*Eric Hunt: 2/3 - The Last Days Of The Big Lie (VOSTFR, Les Derniers Jours du Grand Mensonge; sur le docu. Steven Spielberg)
Sujet : Escrocs à la Shoah: étude et démontage du film de Steven Spielberg "The Last Days" ("Les Derniers Jours", 1998).
Lien avec tous les documents de Hunt eric
Voilà les seuls extrait que j'ai pu retrouver de l'article cité par Hunt au début de la vidéo.
[THIRD Edition]
Boston Globe - Boston, Mass. Thomas Farragher*, Globe Staff, Oct 13, 2000
As military historians
continued to dismiss his claim, Boston civil rights leader
Paul Parks yesterday insisted that he helped free
survivors of the Dachau death camp in 1945 and intends to collect an
award in Germany for that historic duty.
"I was where I said I was," said Parks, the 77-year-old former Massachusetts education secretary. "I was at Normandy and I was at Dachau."
..............(suite payante)
Traduction :
Malgré que des historiens militaires ont continué à rejeter ses revendications, Paul Parks, le chef des droits civils de Boston, a hier insisté qu'il a bien aidé à libérer les survivants du camp de la mort de Dachau en 1945 et a l'intention de recueillir un prix en Allemagne pour ce devoir historique.
« J'étais où j'ai dit que j'étais » a dit Parks, l'ancien secrétaire d'éducation du Massachusetts de 77 ans. « J'ai été en Normandie et à Dachau. »........
Autre extrait du même article, (autre source) :Washington-based
B'nai B'rith International is questioning his selection after Dachau liberators said [Paul Parks]
was not among them when the concentration camp fell. The Globe disclosed the allegations in a story yesterday, which also raised questions about his claimed participation in the D-Day invasion at Normandy. As of yesterday, Parks was still scheduled to collect the
Raoul Wallenberg award from the B'nai B'rith chapter in Berlin later this month.
Parks said he does not expect the B'nai B'rith review of his award - expected to take several days - to lead to its revocation.
"I'm not even going to deal with that," Parks said.
"I'm going [to Germany]."Journalist
Jonathan Kaufman featured Parks in his 1988 book,
"Broken Alliance: The Turbulent Times Between Blacks and Jews in America." In it, Parks recalls rolling into the camp a top large bulldozers. Black GIs, Parks said, were hugged by Jews who looked like emaciated ghosts. The ovens were still warm, Parks said.
(suite payante)
Traduction :La base du
B'nai B'rith international à Washington questionne sa sélection après que les libérateurs de Dachau ont dit [que Paul Parks]
n'était pas parmi eux quand le camp de concentration est tombé entre leurs mains. Le Globe a révélé les allégations dans une histoire hier, qui a aussi levé des questions à propos de sa participation réclamée dans l'invasion en Normandie le jour-J. À partir d'hier, Parks est toujours programmé pour recueillir le
prix de Raoul Wallenberg du B'nai B'rith à Berlin plus tard ce mois.
Parks a dit qu'il ne s'attend pas que le B'nai B'rith fasse la révision de son prix - attendue pour prendre plusieurs jours - pour causer sa révocation. Parcs dit: « Je ne vais pas même m'en préoccuper. »... « J'y vais [en Allemagne]. »
Le journaliste
Jonathan Kaufman a présenté Parks dans son livre de 1988,
« l'Alliance Brisée : les Temps Turbulents Entre les Noirs et les Juifs en Amérique » Dedans, Parks se remémore en premier , roulant dans le camp, les grands bulldozers. Les GIs noirs, dit Parks, ont été surpris par ces Juifs qui ressemblaient à des spectres émaciés. Parks dit: Les fours étaient toujours chauds.
*Thomas Farragher info
Hunt cite donc cet article : PARKS STANDS BY WORLD WAR II STORIES [THIRD Edition]Thomas Farragher, Globe Staff Oct 13, 2000
4M01 « Parks has also said that he dodged bullets on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day, June 6,
1944. However, Army ecords show that his compagny was still training in Andover, England, during the Allies' historic storming of the French beaches. The compagny was not sent to France until four weeks after D-Day. »
Traduction Agent__001 :« Parks a aussi dit qu'il avait esquivé des balles sur les plages de Normandie le Jour-J le 6 juin. Et pourtant, les registres militaires démontrent que sa compagnie continuait à s'entrainer à Andover Angleterre. La compagnie de Parks n'a pas été envoyée en France avant 4 semaines après le Jour-J. »
9M06 « Le Boston Globe a rapporté que le jour où Dachau a été libéré et quand Parks dit qu'il avait rencontré des survivants émacié de l'Holocauste, le quotidien révèle que la compagnie de Parks la plaçait en dehors de Bonn (Allemagne), à quelques 420 Km au Nord-Ouest, en direction de L'Ouest vers la France (le Havre).
L'US Army a dit :
« There were no black units attached or assigned to any of the units credited with the liberation of Dachau » Mary Haynes, archivist and historian at the US Army Center of Military Historu, said yesterday.
« It's not plausible on its face, » added Raul Hilberg, a professon emeritus of political science at the University of Vermont and author of « The Destruction of the European Jews. »...
Traduction :« Il n'y a eu aucune unité de Noirs rattachée ou assignée à l'une des unités connues pour avoir libéré Dachau. »
Même le US Holocaust Museum a dit :
Historians quieried agree that if Parks was where he said he was in the spring of 1945, there is no documentation for it.
« We're not aware of any African-American soldiers who were there on the day the proverbial gates fell, » said a spokesman for the US Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washinton.
Traduction :« Nous ne sommes pas au courant de quelque soldat afro-américain à avoir été là le jour où les célèbres portes sont tombées. »L'homme qui a dirigé la liberation de Dachau a dit :
« Park's refusal to back off his assertions, in the face of evidence that his accounts of his World War II Army service have been embellished, infuriated veterans of the liberation forces.
They called Parks's claim that he was working mine detection duty on the day that US Army forces liberated the death camp « ludicrous. »
« He is a consummate liar, is all I can say, » said retired Brigadier General Felix L. Sparks, who was a 27-year-old lieutenant colonel when he led the liberation of the main camp at Dachau. « The Germans never put any mines in the last days of the war, because we were deep inside Germany at that time. They weren't laying any mines, and, if they did, I had my own people to take care of them ».
Traduction :« C'est un fieffé menteur. C'est tout ce que je peux dire. »
Un autre soldat américain a dit :
« I think he's stuck in a web of lies, » said Hugh Foster, the retired Army lieutenant colonel who alerted B'nai B'rith International in Washington to the inconsistencies in Parks's military record.
« He apparently just didn't realize that there are ways to check his stories, and now he's stuk. »
Traduction :« Je pense qu'il est coincé dans une toile de mensonges. » « (…) Apparemment, il n'a pas l'air de réaliser qu'il existe des moyens de vérifier ses histoire, et maintenant il est coincé. »
L'un des soldats qui a libéré Dachau rajoute :
Russel R. Weiskircher, who was with Sparks the day Dachau fell, said Parks wasn't in sight that day.
« He has lived a lie which was accepted years ago and woven into the unofficial fabric called history, » Weiskircher said.
Traduction :« Il a vécu dans un mensonge qui a été accepté il y a des années et c'est faufilé dans l'unsine non-officielle qui est l''Histoire. »
Un soldat également impliqué dans la libération a dir :
(black soldiers) were treted badly.
Perhaps he's looking fo some gratification... and the Jewish people are trying to establish that the Holocaust happened.« They embraced an ally in Paul Parks to tell their story and he took advantage of it, » he said.
Traduction :« Peut être qu'il recherche quelques reconnaissances et le peuple juif essaie d'établir que l'Holocauste a existé. » « (…) Ils ont vu en Paul Parks un allié pour raconter leur histoire et il y a vu son avantage. »11M32 Arni Soloway (gars qui lui aurait dit (à Parks) « tu dois y aller et dire aux gens ce qu'il s'est passé. Et il y a un autre collègue du Jewish Community Council qui m'a aussi dit : « Tu dois aller le dire, mon garçon. »....................... »)
Ensuite c'est le coup de la ménorah en clou de girofle.
15M28 Eric Hunt parle du premier documentaire bidon de 1992 « Les Libérateurs » (« LIBERTATORS - academy Award-nominee best feature documentary » photographie de l'affiche du documentaire bidon. « NARRATED BY Denzel Washington and Louis Gossett,Jr »)
16Minutes11 « Steven Spielberg délire » Extrait du reportage bidon « Les Libérateurs »
steven spielberg screws up (trad: S. Spielberg délire)
Mark Schulte* new york times N.Y Feb 15, 1999. pg.29
* Articles de Schulte
(Pas d'archive web au New york times, article en recherche. On y apprendra sans doute rien de bien neuf par rapport à ce que l'on peut déjà lire dans les autres articles de Schulte. Si vous le trouvé mettez la source, merci bien. )
Hunt cite l'article qui suggère que:
« specific concentratio camps, Mr. Spielberg, Mr. Parks and Mr. Miho should present original evidence from late April 1945 or early May 1945 to corroborate the claims of « The Last Days. » Or they should withdraw the film from public viewing.
Mark Schulte is a teacher and writer. His father helped liberate Buchenwald »
Traduction :« « Les Derniers Jours »... devrait aussi être retiré de la vue du public »
18M43-54 Mr. Parks was presented in « Liberators » and the film's companion book as a member
of the 183rd Combaat Engineers Battalion. But the Silverstein Report pointes out that he was « never with the 183rd, » but rather served with the 365th Combat Engineers Battalion. Why was a man who appeared in one film as serving in an outfit to which he was never attached given a second opportunity to tell his story to the American public ?
But in « The Last Days, » Mr. Parks talks about how he helped....
Hunt dit : Ici, Paul Parks est montré comme ayant fait partie de la 183rd Combattants ingénieurs.
Et pourtant, une enquête commandée par le PBS et menée par des Historiens juifs prouve que Parks n'a jamais fait partie de la 183rd mais a servi dans la 365th.
Hunt finit en citant la question de papa Schulte « Pourquoi un homme, qui est apparu dans un film avec un uniforme dans lequel il n'a jamais servi, a-t'il reçu une seconde opportunité pour raconter son histoire au public américain? »
Liste de noms et passages louches:
20M23 Rabbin Israel Lau, Rabin en chef de Tel-Aviv
22M12 (« doigts soudés à cause de croutes dûes à la mal nutrition » ??? )
22M23 William McBurney, 761e Bataillon tankiste
23M06 Leonard Smith, 761e Bataillon tankiste
24M Preston McNeil, 761e Bataillon tankiste
24M42 Eric Hunt (« never used as a gas chamber »)
26M13 (savons et fabrications artisanales à base d'humains.)
27M28 Eric Hunt (passage culte ;)et encore mieux avec Elie Wiesel)
29M40 « In perpetuity : The story of the USC shoah fondation »
Vidéo toujours en ligne de Parks du compte YTube de la Shoah Fondation:
American Liberator Paul Parks Testimony
- Article déjà traduit en entier plus haut (copie en anglais)):
Ceremony marks 20 years since Oscar-nominated sham
As Hollywood gathers for its glitziest moment, it’s worth recalling the Academy’s embrace of a Holocaust documentary exposed as a lie
By Mark Schulte February 24, 2013, 1:12 am
Many Israelis are kvelling that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences has nominated two Israeli-produced films — “5 Broken Cameras” and “The Gatekeepers” — for the 2013 Oscar for Best Documentary Feature. But before Israeli cinephiles start singing hosannas to the AMPAS, they might want to know about the organization’s unconscionable support for the notorious “Liberators: Fighting on Two Fronts in World War II,” which was nominated for the same award 20 years ago.
“Liberators,” directed by Williams Miles and Nina Rosenblum, and with narration by Denzel Washington (a Best Actor nominee this year for “Flight”) and Lou Gossett Jr., premiered on PBS’s “The American Experience” on Veterans Day in 1992. The film tendentiously claimed that African-American GIs from the 761st Tank and 183rd Combat Engineers battalions liberated Buchenwald (21,000 prisoners) and Dachau (32,000), two of the largest concentration camps freed by the US Army.
While the film offered a comforting, inspiring tale of one persecuted minority rescuing another, there was a problem — the story was an invention.
Leon Bass, one of the stars of “Liberators,” was first misrepresented as a Buchenwald liberator in 1981, at an International Liberators Conference hosted by the US Holocaust Memorial Council at the State Department in Washington. A front-page article in the Washington Post on Oct. 28, 1981, falsely reported that Bass “liberated Buchenwald with an all-black unit.”
Bass’s great heroism had in fact consisted of a visit to Buchenwald on April 17, 1945, six days after the camp’s liberation, during which another 183rd soldier, William Scott III, took a few photographs. (source 5)
On Nov. 9, 1992, two days before the nationwide PBS broadcast of “Liberators,” the world premiere was held at New York City’s Lincoln Center before an audience of prominent Jewish and black Americans, including Mayor David Dinkins, Lena Horne, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Harvey Meyerhoff, the chairman of the US Holocaust Memorial Council.
The event was sponsored by WNET/Channel 13, the film’s chief financial backer and PBS’s affiliate in New York City, and the Holocaust Council, the federal organization established in 1980 to build and operate the nation’s Holocaust Museum in Washington. Thus, even before its opening the following April, the museum was ensnared in a major scandal.
The film offered a comforting, inspiring tale, but there was a problem — it wasn’t true
On Dec. 17, at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, another screening was held before an audience of 1,200 prominent Jews and blacks, hosted by three influential politicians: Congressman Charles Rangel, Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau and Jesse Jackson. Elie Wiesel, who didn’t appear in the film, sent a videotaped message of support, and the event was broadcast on WNET.
But a Feb. 8, 1993, article in the New Republic, “The Exaggerators,” written by Jeffrey Goldberg, delivered a devastating blow to the film. While the opening scene shows two veterans of the 761st Tank Battalion “returning” to Buchenwald with survivor Benjamin Bender, one of the GIs, E.G. McConnell, confessed to Goldberg that his first trip to the camp was in 1991, courtesy of WNET. Goldberg also reported that McConnell’s admission was “supported by a host of veterans of the 761st,” the battalion featured in “Liberators.”
During Jackson’s unsuccessful 1988 campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination, he had expanded the myth of the African-American liberators to include Dachau. The New York Times published credulous articles on May 31 and June 3, and both disseminated the falsehood that Paul Parks, a close associate of eventual nominee Michael Dukakis, was a Dachau liberator.
On Feb. 10, Kenneth Stern, a researcher at the American Jewish Committee, released a 15-page report, “Liberators: A Background Report,” which stated that the “film has serious factual flaws, well beyond what can be written off as ‘artistic license.’” The next day, WNET/Channel 13 and PBS jointly pulled the plug on the film, and commissioned an independent investigation.
Bass’s great heroism had in fact consisted of a visit to Buchenwald six days after the camp’s liberation
Incredibly, and despite the embarrassing scandal, on Feb. 18, the AMPAS announced that “Liberators” was among five films nominated for Best Documentary Feature. The next day, the New York Jewish Week published my article “Liberating the Facts about Camps’ ‘Liberation,’” about the distortions in the film and the eponymous companion book from Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. In early December 1992, I had joined the anti-”Liberators” brigade — my late father, Barney Schulte, had fought with Gen. George Patton’s Sixth Armored Division, the genuine liberator of Buchenwald.
As a result of the “Liberators” Oscar nomination, Col. James S. Moncrief, the Sixth Armored’s assistant chief of staff for personnel, sent a letter of protest to the Academy. On March 4, Bruce Davis, the AMPAS executive director, replied:
“In a motion picture form that implicitly promises to deliver the truth, factual accuracy can legitimately be one of the criteria by which pictures are judged … To say that LIBERATORS is ineligible because of factual misrepresentations would imply that we checked every fact in the other . . . nominated documentaries and had found them all entirely accurate.”
Despite Davis’ equivocations, awarding “Liberators” with the Oscar was a bridge too far for AMPAS voters, and on March 29, “The Panama Deception” received the prize.
Six months later, the New York Times published an article about a just-released independent report by WNET conceding that African-American GIs played no role in the liberation of either Buchenwald or Dachau. In contrast to the Motion Picture Academy, PBS’s flagship station instituted a “new policy of requiring producers [of documentaries] to demonstrate proof of their claims before financing is provided.”
A mind-boggling postscript to the scandal occurred in February 1999, when a film from Steven Spielberg’s Shoah Foundation, “The Last Days,” was nominated for an Oscar for superbly documenting the genocide against Hungarian Jewry in 1944.
The director of the Academy stood by the film’s nomination, even after its distortions became public
In an op-ed published that month in the New York Post, I pointed out that while “The Last Days” portrayed Paul Parks, Jesse Jackson’s 1988 hero, as a Dachau liberator, he had zero credibility. WNET’s investigation six years earlier had underlined that Parks, identified in “Liberators” as serving in the 183rd Combat Engineers Battalion, had actually served in the 365th Engineers.
Subsequent research at the National Archives in College Park, Md., revealed that the 365th was not anywhere near Dachau on the day of its liberation — in fact, it was in another country entirely, close to Le Havre, France. Despite this egregious fabrication, which I disclosed in the Forward, “The Last Days” won the award.
On Sunday, the 20th anniversary of the “Liberators”-tarnished Oscars, viewers might want to weigh these facts as they wait to see whether “5 Broken Cameras” or “The Gatekeepers” takes home the Academy Award.
Sources de l'article traduit plus haut (pas de traduction, pour l'instant.)
Sources traduites plus bas sous spolier
Source 1 :
Source 2 :
Liberators: Fighting on Two Fronts in World War II (TV 1992)
Source 3 : Review/Television; America's Black Army And a Dual War Front By JOHN J. O'CONNOR Published: November 11, 1992
Source 4 :
2 pages
Aug 10,
1998, Vol. 3, No. 46 • By MARK SCHULTE
THE HOLOCAUST MUSEUM in Washington, D.C., is perpetuating a
falsehood; and,
worst of all, it knows it.The museum has had a rocky year. First, it issued an invitation to
Yasser Arafat, creating
an international scandal. Then it appointed as director of its scholarly center a man who had compared
Israel to Nazi Germany. (The man later withdrew from the position, following widespread outrage.)
But the misuse of the museum did not begin in 1998. Soon after its creation by
unanimous act of Congress in 1980, the
Holocaust Council, which governs the museum,
began to distort the truth about the liberation of the death camps. In 1981, the council organized an
"international liberators conference" at the
State Department. The 26-man American delegation included
Secretary of the Army John Marsh, nine
members of Congress, and
Leon Bass, whom the
Washington Post identified in a front-page story as a
"high school principal from Philadelphia who liberated Buchenwald with an all-black unit." This was the first time the fiction about black soldiers' liberating Buchenwald was disseminated to a national and international audience.
Six years later, the
Holocaust Council published speeches from the conference in a volume titled
The Liberation of the Nazi Concentration Camps: Eyewitness Accounts of the Liberators. In the foreword,
Miles Lerman, now the council's chairman, stated that all the combatants among the delegates had been
"members of military units that first crashed the gates of Nazi concentration camps." But this was not so: Leon Bass and other "liberators" from the 183rd Combat Engineers Battalion
were 190 miles behind the front lines when Buchenwald was overrun by Gen. Patton's Sixth Armored on April 11, 1945. (My late father fought with this division between November 1944 and May 1945.)
With the support of the museum, the black-liberators claim grew into a
significant Holocaust distortion. In
1992, public television produced a documentary called
Liberators Fighting on Two Fronts in World War II. The film, in which Leon Bass had a starring role, falsely claimed that the all-black 761st Tank and 183rd Combat Engineers battalions liberated
not only Buchenwald, but Dachau, too.Two days before the documentary's premiere, the Holocaust Museum, along with New York's Channel 13,
sponsored a screening at
Lincoln Center for hundreds of prominent black and Jewish Americans, including then-mayor
David Dinkins and
Harvey Meyerhoff, who was
chairman of the Holocaust Council. An article in the museum's newsletter boasted that the museum had provided
"many of the photographs and historical background" for the film.
But in
February 1993, after vigorous protests from veterans of the divisions that genuinely liberated Buchenwald and Dachau, along with damaging articles by, among others, the late
Eric Breindel of the
New York Post,
Channel 13 suspended broadcasts of Liberators and commissioned an investigation. The ensuing report, issued in
September 1993,
conceded that neither of the two all-black divisions had participated in the liberation of either camp.While Channel 13 publicly repudiated the documentary -- a work of
ethnic propaganda ("African-American soldiers from segregated units of the U.S. Army became the first troops to free Jews from Nazi concentration camps") -- the Holocaust Museum
continues to propagate the film's claims. On the second floor of the
museum's permanent exhibition, a 10-minute movie
spreads the
now-discredited fiction. Spliced into footage of Dachau's liberation on April 29, 1945, are several photographs of Buchenwald taken five days after that camp's liberation, when a small contingent from the 183rd Combat Engineers delivered water-purification equipment.
According to rules established in 1987 by the U.S. Army Center of Military History and the Holocaust Council, only units that reached a concentration camp within 48 hours of the initially arriving division are officially recognized as liberators. Two books issued with the imprimatur of the Holocaust Museum -- The World Must Know: The History of the Holocaust as Told in the Holocaust Memorial Museum and Liberation 1945 -- include a photograph of Bass and his fellow soldiers at Buchenwald. It is
miscaptioned "April 11, 1945."
Last February, when museum director
Walter Reich was made the
scapegoat for the
Arafat debacle and forced to resign, he warned
Miles Lerman in a public letter that it
was wrong to use the "museum and . . . the memory of the Holocaust in the context of political or diplomatic circumstances or negotiations." Reich had the right idea -- and his warning applies to more than misguided invitations.
Page 2
Much as many might like to believe it, for purposes of contemporary racial politics, black soldiers did not liberate Buchenwald or Dachau. Others did. And the Holocaust Museum knows it.
Mark Schulte, a writer and teacher in Brooklyn, N.Y., has written frequently about the liberation of the death camps.
Source 5 PHOTOS :»»»»»»»»»
Source 6 :
(20 lignes) CHRONICLE By
November 09, 1992
Source 7:
Blacks and Jews Join Hands for a Brighter FutureBy ARI L. GOLDMAN
Published: December 18, 1992
- Spoiler:
After more than
18 months of racial and ethnic unrest, Jews and blacks joined hands last night in an emotional session at Harlem's historic
Apollo Theater to recall their past alliances and pray for future healing. (
Apollo c'est déjà drôle quant-on pense au canular des missions Apollo mais ça l'est encore plus avec le « Theater » qui va avec !!! )
The reason for the gathering was the showing of a documentary on the black soldiers who liberated Jews from Nazi concentration camps at the end of World War II. But the real drama occurred on the great stage of the Apollo after the house lights came up and Jews and blacks hugged, wept, held hands and vowed
to put their differences behind them.
Jackson and
Dinkins Speak
It was an emotional
catharsis that included the
singing of
We Shall Overcome, personal reminiscences from the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Mayor David N. Dinkins's quoting
the great Talmudic sage Hillel.
(???)Those at the Apollo last night seemed weary of the fighting and eager to come together, nodding and applauding as the Mayor quoted the first-century Jewish scholar by asking, « If not now, when? »
Mr. Jackson, who first suggested that the film,
Liberators: Fighting on Two Fronts in World War II, be used as a
vehicle for reconcilliation , said,
« The walls that came down in Dachau and Buchenwald must not be resurrected in Crown Heights or any place. »As he spoke, he reached out for the hands with those around him. At one point he held tight to
Rabbi Leib Glanz, an official of the
Satmar Hasidic group, which is based in
Brooklyn. At another he clasped the hand of
Abe Chapnick, a concentration camp survivor.
Mr. Jackson, who angered Jews in 1984 when he called New York City
« Hymietown »,
( spoke softly and haltingly as he implored the group to remember it was bound by historic links. His appearance was one of several recently in which he has reached out to the Jewish community.
As the film was shown at the Apollo last night before an invited audience of 1,200, it was also viewed by gatherings of blacks and Jews
at more than 100 other locations around the city, including synagogues, churches and private living rooms.At the Apollo, the audience members included the
Rev. Al Sharpton;
Betty Shabazz, the widow of
Malcolm X;
Felix Rohatyn, the financier;
Peggy Tishman of the Jewish Community Relations Council, Representative
Charles B. Rangel of Harlem and
Robert M. Morgenthau, the Manhattan District Attorney.
« We intend to go on the moral offensive », Mr. Jackson told the crowd,
« and take this message to the nation. We will defeat hatred and fear and violence. »« The pain and violence surrounding Crown Heights is a challenge to come together, not to fall apart. »After Mr. Jackson spoke,
Rabbi Glanz prayed for healing, saying,
« Let us have peace and show the world that we all have backgrounds where we suffered. Let us say to suffering, enough is enough. »Rabbi Glanz's Satmar group was among those who met with Mayor Dinkins at a tense private meeting
in Crown Heights on Wednesday. The
primary group in Brooklyn neighborhood,
the Lubavitch, had no major officials at the Apollo, although several Lubavitch followers attended.
A Jewish communal official who spoke on the condition
of anonymity said that tickets had been set aside for Lubavitch officials but that they declined to attend, saying that they did not feel that enough progress had been made at the Wednesday meeting to warrant their attendance.
(???)Several of the speakers at the Apollo last night recalled the great alliance between blacks and Jews.
Symbols of that alliance, they said, included the tragic --
like the murder of three civil rights workers, two Jews and one black, in Philadelphia, Miss., in 1964 -- and the triumphant, the march through Selma, Ala., in which the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
was joined by a host of rabbis.
The focus of the evening was the encounter between two black Army units, the
761st Tank Batallion and the
183d Combat Engineers, and the emaciated, hollow-eyed survivors of Buchenwald. As one survivor,
Rabbi Yisrael M. Lau, now the chief rabbi of Tel Aviv, said in the film,
« To us, they looked like angels. »Ms. Tishman called on the audience to
« symbolically re-enact that moment of reconciliation and brotherhood. »« Not simply to rekindle, but to refuel the lamp of brotherhood in this city, » she said.
Mayor Dinkins received a
standing ovation when he took the podium to introduce the movie. He said that
« images and words have been used to great harm » in the city, and that
« it is our task to use them to heal. »The work of reconciliaton, he said,
« will take more than one film and one evening. » And he called the night at the Apollo
« the first volley in a long campaign. »
Source 8 extrait : The exaggerators:
Black soldiers and Buchenwald. ('Liberators' documentary TV show flawed)
Article from: The New Republic | February 8, 1993 | Goldberg, Jeffrey
It was a rare moment: the
Rev. Jesse Jackson, surrounded by white-haired Holocaust survivors, embracing
Leib Glanz, a bearded Hasidic rabbi on the stage of the Apollo Theater. The occasion was last month's black-Jewish celebration of the
Liberators, the
PBS documentary about
all-black Army units that, according to the film, helped capture
Buchenwald and
Dachau. The sponsors of the screening,
Time Warner and a host of rich and influential New Yorkers billed the film as an
important tool in the rebuilding of a black-Jewish alliance.
But the display of brotherhood turned out to be illusory (illusoire). The next night Glanz was nearly chased out of synagogue by
angry Hasidim for the transgression of consorting with
Jackson. More significantly, the film's backers and
the press failed to point out that the unit featured most prominently in the
Liberators had
no hand in the capture of either Dachau or Buchenwald.
« It's a lie. We were nowhere near these camps when they were liberated, » says
E.G. McConnell, an
original member of the
761st Tank Battalions who says he
cooperated with the filmmakers until he came to believe that they were
faking material.
McConnell, along with a Buchenwald survivor and a second member of the 761st, was flown to the camp in 1991 to film what turned out to be one of the most moving, and
most fraudulent, scenes of the …
(suite payante)
source 9: (« credulous articles ») du new york times
Jackson Makes Appeal For Black-Jewish Ties
By BERNARD WEINRAUB, Special to the New York Times
Published: May 31, 1988
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As a soft wind fluttered off the Hudson, the Rev.
Jesse Jackson solemnly placed a wreath
at a statue honoring Holocaust victims and pleaded for
reconciliation between blacks and Jews.
''The sons and daughters of the Holocaust and grandsons and granddaughters of slavery must find common ground to end racism and anti-Semitism forever,'' Mr. Jackson said at a
Memorial Day ceremony in
Liberty State Park, overlooking the
Statue of Liberty.
Placing the wreath on a statue called
''Liberation,'' which depicts an
American soldier carrying a survivor of the Holocaust, Mr. Jackson said that the first American soldiers to liberate Dachau and Buchenwald
were black men who served in the United States Army Corps of Engineers.
'Blacks and Jews Embraced'''A few Jewish survivors
identified them as black and knew they were not Nazis,'' Mr. Jackson said at a later event in the park.
''There blacks and Jews embraced. In that great historic moment was the beginning of the end of that ugly war. Surely our blood, our tears and our paths have crossed.''It was Mr. Jackson's most
emotive language on an issue that has dogged
his Presidential campaign: black-Jewish relations and accusations that his past comments, especially a 1984 reference to New York as
''Hymietown,'' ( )had been offensive.
This morning in his Memorial Day tribute,
the Chicago cleryman specifically cited two black former soldiers as those who led the liberation of Dachau and Buchenwald.
one of them is Paul Parks of Boston, a former Massachussetts secretary of education and a prominent black supporter of Gov.
Michael S. Dukakis, Mr. Jackson's rival and the probable
Democratic nominee.
Mr. Parks, according to Mr. Jackson,
led his troops into Dachau. Efforts to reach Mr. Parks to get a fuller description of the event were not successful.
other black former soldier,
who Mr. Jackson said entered Buchenwald,
was identified only as
Dr. Johnson of Philadelphia. Neither Mr. Jackson nor his staff knew his first name.
Jackson Describes LiberationSpeaking in vivid terms to a
predominantly black and Hispanic audience that listened raptly, Mr. Jackson quietly discussed the liberation of the camps by the
black soldiers.
''They got closer and closer,'' he said. ''They saw
smoke coming from a smokestack. They thought they had found a German munitions camp. They thought Germans were hiding behind the wall to shoot them. They kept forward on their bellies closer and closer. And then when they got real close they
saw bodies stacked up as if they were bricks and boards. They saw a door open slightly.''
The death camp survivors observed the soldiers ''were black and therefore they knew they were not Nazis. They ran to embrace each other.''
''In that moment of human existence is the challenge for all of us today,''
said Mr. Jackson. ''At our best we'll crawl on our bellies to risk our own lives to save each other. At our worst we'll destroy each other. We must be at our highest and our best and never go to our lowest again. So in some real sense blacks and Jews met each other in a very real way at the door of the concentration camps.'' #
15-Hour Campaign Days Mr. Jackson,
who has been campaigning nearly 15 hours each day,
used similar language at a rally later in the Central Railroad Terminal building of Liberty State Park. Continuing his campaign for the June 7 New Jersey primary, the Democratic candidate also held rallies on the City Hall steps in Elizabeth, as well as East Orange and Englewood.Speaking in a low, firm voice, Mr. Jackson said on several occasions that the lessons of the
horrors of World War II must be remembered, and that the Moscow summit meeting between
President Reagan and
Mikhail S. Gorbachev, the Soviet leader, was a sign that the superpowers were seeking to avoid
the carnage of war.
''I lay this wreath in memorial on this most critical hour in the history of human existence,'' Mr. Jackson said this afternoon.
Saying that ''the world has not known such
heinous crimes of this
magintude against a people in the history of human existence,'' Mr. Jackson said, ''this should be a challenge to us
to end all wars.''
''The forces that made that war in which
6 million were taken to concentration camps and more than
54 million were killed were driven by our own insecurities of one towards the other, man's inhumanity to man. Good people died, good people died. It must must never happen again.''
Source 10
Black Ex-G.I. a Bridge Between Jackson and Dukakis
Special to the New York Times
Published: June 03, 1988
- Spoiler:
From a political point of view, it was curious: The Rev. Jesse Jackson, in a speech aimed at illuminating the ties between blacks and Jews, cited a black man who staunchly supports Michael S. Dukakis for President.
From an emotional standpoint, Mr. Jackson's decision to praise Paul Parks, a former soldier in the Army Corps of Engineers, in his Memorial Day speech made perfect sense. In World War II, Mr. Parks was part of a regiment of black soldiers that liberated Dachau, the concentration camp. Mr. Jackson described the liberation in stirring terms after placing a wreath at a statue honoring Holocaust victims in Liberty State Park in New Jersey. He used some of his most forceful language to date on the tender issue of black-Jewish relations.
While Mr. Jackson depicted the encounters between black liberators and Jewish captives at Dachau and Buchenwald as thrilling reunions between oppressed peoples, Mr. Parks said in an interview here that the soldiers had been more confused than moved at first by what they encountered at Dachau. Confusion Over Camp's Nature
''We got word the Army wanted us to attack a camp and take it,'' Mr. Parks recalled. ''We went to this camp thinking it was a military camp because we had never heard of a concentration camp.''
''We broke through the gate,'' he continued, ''and then, lo and behold, we saw all these bodies stacked up inside the railroad cars and some furnaces behind them.''
His eyes widened as he lifted a hand over his head and said: ''The bodies were stacked up high, higher than the rail cars, and they were all stripped. The people came walking out of these buildings in all stages of emaciation and they wanted to hug us, embrace us, and we kept saying no.''
The soldiers did not want to hug the prisoners, Mr. Parks said, because they assumed from their striped uniforms that the prisoners were criminals. Knew Blacks Were Not Nazis
After the camp was taken, Mr. Parks said, he sat on the ground with one of the prisoners, an English-speaking rabbi who explained that both the dead and the living were there because they were Jews. This was a shock to the soldiers, Mr. Parks said.
''We ended up digging trenches to bury the dead, and I think at that point the war became much more personal to me,'' Mr. Parks said. After the event, Mr. Parks learned from Army officers that the prisoners trusted the black soldiers because they knew they could not be Nazis.
While Mr. Jackson described Mr. Parks as a leader of the troops who stormed Dachau, Mr. Parks said he was in fact an Army private who had been temporarily assigned to the regiment to share his expertise in defusing bombs and mines.
Mr. Parks is known primarily in Boston for his work as a forceful advocate of school desegregation here in the 1960's and 1970's, but he has also been active in the civil rights movement and in negotiations between blacks and the Israeli government. Mr. Parks, who stood with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. during his march on Washington and was arrested for his role in a civil rights demonstration in Selma, Ala., has been the guest of Menachem Begin, the former Prime Minister of Israel, at a conference on Soviet Jewry and has visited Israel at least seven times in a diplomatic role. Mr. Parks said he sometimes chats with Mr. Dukakis's wife, Kitty, who is Jewish, about the Holocaust and Jewish affairs. Friendly With Israeli Officials
Mr. Parks cited his friendship with American Jewish leaders and Israeli officials as ''one of the reasons Jesse uses me as a friend of his.'' He counts both Mr. Dukakis and Mr. Jackson as close friends.
Jewish leaders strongly denounced Mr. Jackson for his reference to New York as ''Hymietown'' in 1984. Mr. Jackson's speech on Memorial Day this year represented his strongest attempt to calm the fears of those who took his remark and his friendship with the Rev. Louis Farrakhan, a black militant, as signs of anti-Semitism.
Mr. Parks, who is 65 years old and runs his own engineering consulting firm, has gone on diplomatic trips with Mr. Jackson and worked for his self-help organization, PUSH, but he describes a closer bond with Mr. Dukakis. Aside from serving as the Massachusetts Secretary of Education from 1975 to 1979, in Mr. Dukakis's first term as Governor, Mr. Parks said he has close ties to Mr. Dukakis and to his late brother, Stelian, and that Mr. Dukakis had done legal work for his family.
''My being with Michael is not my being against Jesse,'' Mr. Parks said, ''As Jesse said, it would be a tragedy if Michael became President with no black votes behind him.''
source 11
Film Halted On Blacks Freeing Jews
February 12, 1993 Extrait: (......)
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The latest challenges to the film came this week in the current issue of New Republic magazine and in an American Jewish Committee report.
Kenneth S. Stern, a specialist on anti-Semitism
(dit: spécialiste de l'anti-sémitisme ) who wrote the report, said that after three weeks of talking with survivors, archival experts and members of black units depicted in the film, it was clear "that the message of the film -- that black soldiers were among the liberators of concentration camps
(mais pas les bons camps)-- is absolutely true."
"The tragedy," he said,
"is that the film has serious factual flaws."The film claims, he said, that the 761st Tank Battalion, an all-black unit, liberated the camps at Buchenwald and Dachau. But he said
Army documents and a history published by the unit indicated this was not true. Some blacks did take part in the rescue of Jews from those camps, he said, but were from other Army units.
The 761st Tank Battalion, he said, participated in liberating another concentration camp at
Gunskirchen, a sub-unit of the
Mauthausen camp. He said interviews with some battalion veterans suggested the unit may also have participated in the liberation of other concentration camps.
In the
New Republic article, Jeffrey Goldberg quoted E. G. McConnell, a 761st Tank Battalion veteran, as saying
"we were nowhere near these camps" at Dachau or Buchenwald. But Mr. Goldberg, New York bureau chief of
The Forward, a Jewish weekly newspaper, said the unit played an important role in the liberation of Gunskirchen and performed outstandingly in the Battle of the Bulge.
"They did help with the liberation of concentration camps," Mr. Goldberg said in an interview.
"The issue is one of details and accuracy."
source 12WNET Inquiry Finds No Proof Black Unit Freed 2 Nazi Camps
Published: September 08, 1993
- Spoiler:
After a five-month review of a disputed documentary that portrayed members of a black tank battalion as liberators of the Nazi concentration camps at Dachau and Buchenwald,
WNET, the public television station,
said yesterday that it could find no evidence that the unit liberated either camp.The film,
"Liberators: Fighting on Two Fronts in World War II," which had been heralded by Mayor David N. Dinkins and other black and Jewish leaders as a heroic example of blacks helping Jews in crisis, and which was
nominated this year
for an Academy Award for best documentary feature film, was pulled from public television in February as questions about its accuracy mounted. Yesterday, officials at WNET,
Channel 13, said they had requested that the makers of the film, which is available on videocassette, remove the station's name because it does not meet WNET's
"standards of accuracy." WNET helped produce the film, which was broadcast nationally on public television last November.
Neither of the film's
prize-winning producers,
William Miles and
Nina Rosenblum, would discuss the documentary. But they said in a statement that they stood by their work and objected to what they described as WNET's censorship in withdrawing the film.
Harry Chancey Jr., the vice president of the program service for WNET, said he was
"very disturbed" that the documentary
"was not supported by appropriate journalistic vigor during its research and development." The station,
Mr. Chancey said, was instituting a
new policy of requiring producers to demonstrate proof of their claims before financing is provided. He said the
station's contracts would also be
amended to specifically make producers responsible for the content of their films."We are in the process of reviewing every single project we now have to make sure they are following this new practice," Mr. Chancey said.
A special showing of the film at the
Apollo Theater in Harlem in December
moved an audience of 1,200 blacks and Jews to tears as they watched black soldiers and concentration camp surivors recounting their shared experiences. Many hugged and passionately agreed that the screening had provided a rare,
powerful moment -- a
catharsis in the sometimes tense
relations between blacks and Jews in New York City.
The two film makers, one black and one Jewish, are highly regarded in the industry, and some experts who have studied the film s
uggested that the problems may have resulted from a
clash of good intentions and journalistic procedures.WNET said the review substantiated two main themes of the film, that
black Americans were confronted with racism in the military and that many black Americans served in combat with distinction.
Morton Silverstein, an eight-time,
Emmy-winning documentary maker who
conducted the review, said there was also evidence black soldiers helped the survivors of some concentration camps. But, he said,
he and two assistants found nothing to indicate that the tank unit, the 761st Tank Battalion, had liberated two of the most infamous camps."There was a paucity of research," Mr. Silverstein said.
"In going through the broadcast line by line, scene by scene, contentions were made or impressions were conveyed that were simply unverifiable."Mr. Silverstein said the producers relied
too heavily on oral history, which he said
"is just one part of research." Some film participants were
hazy about details concerning the camps, he said.
Though critics began coming forward shortly after the documentary was broadcast in November,
Mr. Silverstein said his review took five months because
"we started from scratch.""We didn't accept anything that was in the public press as gospel," he said.
Source 13 (fiche du reportage bidon)